Gwneud synnwyr o’r darnau

Cafwyd sgwrs boblogaidd a hynod ddiddorol yn y Trewern Arms ddydd Mercher 12/7/2023 gan Dr Chris Caple, yr archeolegydd a fu’n arwain y cloddiadau yng Nghastell Nanhyfer am ddeng mlynedd. Ers ei ddinistrio yn 1196, mae aredig a hindreulio wedi cuddio’r hyn sy’n weddill o’r castell. Darnau yn unig sydd ar ôl – a thasg yr archaeolegydd yw eu rhoi at ei gilydd, i ddatgelu digwyddiadau dramatig y cyfnod, a’r bywyd yr oedd pobl yn ei arwain. Cloddiwyd 52 o ffosydd archeolegol rhwng 2008 a 2018, gan ddatgelu adeiladau a ffyrdd, yn ogystal â miloedd o ddarnau sy’n dal i gael eu dadansoddi heddiw ym Mhrifysgol Durham. Mae’r darganfyddiadau’n cynnwys darnau o arfau, offer, esgidiau, pedolau, harneisiau, cloeon, lampau, cerrig beddau, cerrig adeiladu, cerrig i’w taflu at bobl, cerrig ar gyfer chwaraeon, grawn, hadau, gleiniau, a llawer mwy. Yn y pen draw, cyhoeddir yr ymchwil a dychwelir y darnau i Nanhyfer. Y cynllun yw y bydd eitemau cain yn cael eu benthyca i amgueddfa, a all eu cadw’n ddiogel mewn awyrgylch sych. Bydd darnau mwy cadarn yn cael eu harddangos yn Neuadd y Pentref, ac yn y Trewern Arms Diolch i James ac Angie, perchnogion y Trewern Arms, a ddarparodd… Continue reading Gwneud synnwyr o’r darnau

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Nevern Show

Friends of Nevern Castle had a stand in the craft tent at Nevern Show on 10th August. Gaynor, Mike, Kath and Alan chatted to show goers about the castle. The aim was to raise awareness of the existence of the site and the importance of the castle in the 12th century. We told visitors how the castle’s history, with its alternation between Norman and Welsh control, encapsulated that pivotal period in the history of Wales. A surprising number of people said they’d lived in the area for many years but never visited the castle, or even known it was there. We collected a dozen new members for the Friends mailing list. We handed out this leaflet about our work.

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Trail guide update

Nevern Trail Guide leaflet was published in 2016 by Nevern Community Council and Pembrokeshire National Park Authority. It’s now due for a reprint, and so there’s an opportunity for updates and improvements. Friends of Nevern Castle recently had a meeting with other residents of Nevern to discuss changes to the leaflet. We’ve also had discussions with representatives of St Brynach’s Church, the Village Hall, and the Trewern Arms. The resulting revision has a number of improvements over the 2016 version: The draft revised leaflet can be seen here. Comments are welcome! Thanks to the Trewern Arms for hosting the meeting. Update 19/3/2023: The new leaflets have been printed and are being distributed to information points and businesses. If you’d like some to give to your guests or customers, please email

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