Inaugural meeting of the Friends of Nevern Castle
Enthusiasts for Nevern Castle met on Wednesday 30/3/2022, kindly hosted by the Trewern Arms. We created a formal association, with a constitution and the usual officers. We’ll be able to open a bank account, apply for grants, etc.
Friends of Nevern Castle is being set up as an association with the purpose of informing visitors and local residents – particularly young ones – about the Castle and the important history and heritage it represents.
The meeting included a wide representation from St Brynach’s Church, Pembrokeshire County Council, Nevern Village Hall, the Trewern Arms, Nevern Community Council, local residents, and history enthusiasts.
Current and planned activities include:
- Refresh the display panels, website, and leaflets
- Organise school visits and guided tours
- Run events like last year’s barbecue.
- Help with the maintenance of the site as a place for peaceful enjoyment by all.
These activities are complementary to the professional work done by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority in maintaining the grounds and the remaining fabric of the Castle. The site is owned by Nevern Community Council – that’s you and me, if you live in Nevern or Moylgrove.
Click here for a short presentation of the aims of the association, and what’s been done so far. And here are summary notes of the meeting.
One item of discussion was the current proposal for updating the site’s interpretation panels.
If you’ve any interest in our wonderful local Castle and its fascinating story, join us by signing up to the mailing list. (There’s no membership fee.) And please spread the word to your friends and neighbours!